At Dixit Steel, we have extensive experience in the supply of Corten Steel Plates, offering high-quality products to meet your precise specifications. As a trusted Corten Steel Plate stockist, supplier, and exporter in India, we offer a variety of plates in different sizes and grades, including new and surplus material.
At Dixit Steel, we take pride in our ability to fulfill urgent requirements for specific grades of Corten Steel Plates. Our existing clients recognize us as Corten Steel Plate professionals, appreciating our timely deliveries and commitment to quality. We ensure that every plate meets industry standards and arrives on time, whenever our clients need it most. Our dedication to providing reliable, high-quality products makes us a trusted partner for all your Corten Steel Plate needs.
Why Choose MVC Corporation for your requirement of Corten Steel Plate :
- All Sizes, Quantities and Applications to meet out all Your Needs.
- No Automated Answering Machines Here : One On One Customer Service!
- Central Location in the India for On Time Delivery Of Quality Products!
- Quality Assurance Department : to Meet out Your Specifications!
- Specialty Services include Welding, Cutting, Threading, & Painting to meet out Your Special Needs!
- MVC Corporation has been an authority in the Corten Steel Plate industry for over three decades, we are an industry leader in stocking, manufacturing, and fabricating quality products.
General Processing Information :
1. Forming:
The conditions for hot forming of Corten Steel Plates adhere to the guidelines specified in EN 10025-5. For cold forming, the relevant parameters are outlined in Table 6 of EN 10025-5. If mechanical properties are altered due to cold forming, they can be largely restored by stress relieving, which involves a minimum of 30 minutes at temperatures between 530°C and 580°C. For higher degrees of cold forming, subsequent normalizing is recommended to ensure the material regains its desired properties.
2. Flame Cuttings:
COR-TEN steel is suitable for flame cutting when proper operating methods are followed. At temperatures below 5°C, a sufficiently wide zone on either side of the intended cut should be preheated. If flame-cut edges are to undergo cold forming, the hardening effect should be prevented by preheating, similar to the process used for S355J2 steel. Alternatively, the hardened zones should be worked off, typically by grinding, to maintain the material's performance and integrity.
3. Welding:
COR-TEN steel can be welded both manually and mechanically, provided that the general rules of welding practices are followed. To achieve identical mechanical properties in the weld and base material, it is crucial to use suitable welding consumables and select the appropriate welding conditions. Reference to EN 10025-5, which outlines technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance, is recommended.
- Additional welding guidelines can be found in EN 1011 Part 1 and Part 2, which provide recommendations for welding metallic materials. Lime basic electrodes, inert-gas welding wire, and wire/power combinations equivalent to the tensile strength of S355 are used as welding consumables.
- For unprotected applications, it is important to ensure that the welded joints are also weather-resistant. This can be achieved by using welding consumables that match the base material.
- If stress relieving is required due to design or building specifications, it should be carried out in the temperature range of approximately 530°C to 580°C.
4.Bolting and Riveting:
When selecting joining elements such as bolts, rivets, and their accessories (nuts and washers), it is essential to choose materials that avoid the formation of local electro-chemical cells. The joining elements should preferably be made from weathering steel to ensure compatibility and longevity.
At these joints, capillary action can cause permanent moisture accumulation, which may lead to increased corrosion. Therefore, critical zones should be protected through measures like painting, sealing, or other suitable protective treatments.
For high-strength connections (HV), the conditions for non-weathering structural steels, as outlined in DIN 18800 Part 1, should be followed to ensure structural integrity and prevent corrosion-related issues.